Thursday, March 14, 2019

How PTSD Treatment Cured my Back Pain and More on the Mind-Body Connection

PTSD treatment

Women struggling with anorexia nervosa, are at a larger risk of developing the illness. Usually, it is due to the eating disorder which leads to developing issues with thyroid function. An eating disorder is something hazardous and can also lead to life-threatening situations. Starting from your hair to your toes, it seems to have an impact on every part of the body. You may happen to notice symptoms such as hair loss, brittle and dry nails, menstrual irregularities, tooth decay, acid reflux, cardiovascular issues and gastrointestinal issues. You may feel bloated or undergoing severe pain and compromised cardiovascular health and immune system. The blog shows how PTSD treatment can help to cure your health as well as mental issues. You need to have the want to get healthy and be better. Only you can take steps towards the improvement of your health.

What I Wish I’d Known as a Teenager


It is of extreme importance that teenagers are educated in terms of mental and physical health. Many cases of sexual violence against teenagers can leave them to be suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, substance use disorder, and other trauma-related issues. They also need to be taught that it is good to be anxious but getting on the level of isolation due to this anxiety is not a healthy sign. Besides, your body has a relationship with the food you consume. Sometimes, out of stress teenagers end up binge-eating fast food which leads to a plethora of health problems. Also, not taking enough sleep is one cause behind depression and anxiety. As a parent, you must educate your children about sexual violence if ever taken place with them. There are many issues related to such sexual activities where the consent is missing.