The initial step towards recovery from any kind of addiction is admitting and accepting their struggle with independence on the substance. Then you need to find out a place where you can go for your treatment which would help you in restoring your overall health, happiness and wellbeing. There are multiple options of treatment that are available at the addiction treatment centers. These centers play a great role in saving the life of your loved one such as breaking the addictive cycle by making them live in a drug-free environment. Digging deeper into the underlying issues and finding out the reasons which made the people rely so much on drugs. These addiction treatment centers help peeling off the layers of your behavior so that they can understand your habits of drugs. Make sure you go through all the therapies so that you can recover quick.
Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a type of clinical depression that strikes people in the fall and winter months. Like other types of depression, SAD often results in fatigue, loss of interest in daily activities, anxiety, overeating, alcohol and/or substance misuse, sleep disruptions, and difficulty concentrating.
Who Is Most Likely to Develop SAD?
Some evidence indicates that SAD is most likely to occur in young adults in their late teens and early twenties. Though no one is exactly sure why it may be due in part to the fact that many young adults have a lifestyle that is not conducive to a regular sleep schedule.They often have college class schedules and jobs that require them to study or work outside of the typical 9 to 5 schedule of older adults. Young adults also sometimes struggle with the additional stress that comes with uncertainty and instability. They are typically in a stage where they are sorting out what they want to do with their lives, striving to become financially stable, and trying to determine what they want and need from romantic relationships.
SAD is most prevalent among women, and among those who have a predisposition for depression. This would include those who have a family history of depression, or who have experienced other types of depression—like major, chronic, or manic depression.
SAD Can Develop Into Something More Serious
Seasonal Affective Disorder typically comes and goes with the seasons. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you should just ignore it until it passes. It’s normal to have a few days here and there when you feel a little blue and unmotivated. It’s not normal to experience more profound depressive symptoms—loss of interest or pleasure in everything, lethargy, feelings of guilt or worthlessness—for weeks on end. If these lingering and more serious symptoms are left untreated, they can lead to a major depressive episode that extends beyond the winter months.Treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder
If you find yourself in a funk during the winter season and are unable to lift yourself out of it, it may be time for you to see a doctor and/or counselor. They can help to determine whether what you are experiencing is likely a seasonal disorder, or something potentially long-term and concerning. Phototherapy, or bright light therapy, antidepressant medications, and cognitive behavioral therapy are all commonly recommended for more severe cases of SAD. For more manageable cases, a temporary escape from your frozen landscape to a more tropical climate can work wonders, of course! But, if a vacation isn’t in the cards for you, exercising more, meditating, and bundling up to spend more time outside can also be beneficial.Whatever you do, resist the urge to just do nothing. If left unacknowledged, the signs of SAD can have negative effects on your academic performance and on your social life that last far beyond the symptoms themselves. Mental health services are typically accessible and affordable on most college campuses, and there’s no shame in asking for help.